Excessive package interdependency

Chris Ricker kaboom at gatech.edu
Thu Dec 18 21:46:38 UTC 2003

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Jeremy Katz wrote:

> On Thu, 2003-12-18 at 10:02 -0500, Chris Ricker wrote:
> > I still think a better solution is for anaconda to display a list of "new
> > packages" (meaning stuff added since the release being upgraded from) to the
> > user, and the user to be asked if they want that additional
> > functionality....
> Multiple problems here
> a) No good way to define this "new" stuff.  And how do you handle people
> who skip releases
> b) You don't want to show every new libfoo that exists
> c) Package maintainers don't update lists.  The only reason things ever
> make it into the comps file to get installed by default is generally if
> one of two or three people think about it or if I have the spare time to
> do a quick look-through of what packages exist that aren't in the comps
> file.

It is collected to some extent. There's always a list at the end of the 

Perhaps an alternative on upgrades would just be to say that all installed 
apps are being upgraded, and ask the user if they'd like a list of 
available applications which could be added during installation?


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