Open Office 1.1 suggestion

Garrett LeSage garrett at
Tue Oct 7 15:16:05 UTC 2003

Derek P. Moore wrote:

>GIMP 1.3 icons ought to be used before creating whole
>new ones.  That way, the desktop experience is that
>much more consistent.


Thanks for the suggestion.  The GIMP 1.3.x icons do not overlap with the 
OpenOffice ones enough to use across the board.  Also, the current GIMP 
1.3.x icons are not Bluecurve in style; in fact, they probably share the 
same style as the Ximianized OOo icons. 

Now, however, it might make sense to use as many Bluecurve OOo icons in 
the GIMP 1.3.x (or 2.x, depending on timeframes), as, as you pointed 
out, many of them should overlap.  Of course, there are many that do not 
as well.  Still, re-use is a good thing.  (:


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