Graphical boot issues: a.o. graphical boot twice slower then text boot!!!

Jaap A. Haitsma jaap_haitsma at
Thu Oct 9 16:53:45 UTC 2003

The updates of today solved the initial problem I had that graphical 
booting was much slower then text booting :-)

Furthermore it looks much nicer and there is a possibility to show 
details. (Great work)

I still have to minor issues:

1. If I show details then after a while when the service keytable gets 
loaded "[ OK ]" changes to "A OK U" (actually it are an A and an U with 
two dots on top, don't know how you call those letters in English)

2. Furthermore interactive startup now works :-). However I have to push
show details after I pushed the "I" otherwise it boots right trough. 
Would be nice that it would flip automatically to detailed mode if you 
pressed "I".


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