GCC-3.3 and OO.org

Nicolas Mailhot Nicolas.Mailhot at laPoste.net
Fri Oct 10 22:22:46 UTC 2003

Le ven 10/10/2003 à 23:56, Dan Williams a écrit :
> On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 17:35, Paul Nasrat wrote:
> > I follow you up to "standard place", which intrests me.  The JPackage
> > project try and package to FHS the JDK, I'd assume given a sane
> > JAVA_HOME the OO.org compile should work, but I haven't really tried to
> > build OO.org.  Any pointers to docs onthe OO.o/Java integration
> > appreciated.
> Well, normally to get OOo to work with Java, you have to pass
> --with-jdk-home=<path> to the configure script in config_office/
> directory.  Since I pass in --disable-java to this script, I could make
> a switch to allow one to pass in --with-jdk-home, but where would the
> RPM get the path from?  What do you think is the best way to do that? 

1. at jpackage if a jpp-compatible jvm is installed the
/usr/lib/jvm/java symlink exists (and handled by alternative). We also
provide lots of symlinks like /usr/lib/jvm/java-sun,
/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2 and so on. This symlink can always be used as
the ultimate fallback

2. We have a system-wide /etc/java/java.conf rcfile where the user can
specify his prefered jvm (with JAVA_HOME)

We used to put java binaries in /usr/bin but it proved too messy :
a. gcj already did it in an incompatible way (ie it randomly stomped on
our links)
b. when you start allowing parallel install of multiple jvms - as is
often necessary in the real world(tm) - it gets really messy. Sure one
can use alternatives for this but even getting a single directory
symlink to work all right proved difficult (have to handle all the
install/removal scenarii).

Most java packages are happier with JAVA_HOME anyway - if you give them
java executables in the path they'll initiate real ugly shell euristics
to try to guess the actual JAVA_HOME value.


Nicolas Mailhot
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