Since Fedora is not aimed at enterpise/business ..

Jeremy Katz katzj at
Mon Oct 13 02:45:17 UTC 2003

On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 16:38, Thomas Dodd wrote:
> I don't believe I need ldap anything to use mozilla. If I have ldap, 
> mozilla can be told to use it, but it's not required. Same for 
> encrypting the ldap connection. It could use no authentication, clear 
> transmission, to strong authentication, encrypted connections, or any 
> where in between.

You don't need ldap anything because mozilla has its own built-in LDAP
support which doesn't use system libraries :) 

As far as the encryption bits, mozilla has a huge infrastructure that
the PSM (which is mozilla's SSL support) plugs into.  I'm not entirely
sure the massiveness that is mozilla is something that you really want
to emulate across the entire system, though ;)



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