Fedora Project: Announcing New Direction

snookertb snookertb at comcast.net
Tue Sep 23 11:15:36 UTC 2003

Magnus Hedemark wrote:

>>... there goes the ball game. It worked fine as long as you could
>>recommend the client pick up a boxed copy and sign up for a RHN
>>subscription. Now it looks like all that is left is SUSE, until
>>some one else puts a distro on the shelf at Bestbuy(or whatever).
>You know, back before Linux was so glamorous and was available shrink-wrapped 
>at Best Buy, we used to have these things called CD-R's and we used to hand 
>them out to friends that we thought might enjoy running Linux.

Yep, you made my point nicely. Linux is becoming the hobby OS for 
computer hobbyists.

The never ending story of the next release.

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