Package suggestion: Epylog

Konstantin Riabitsev icon at
Fri Sep 26 21:02:18 UTC 2003

Hello, all:

I would like to humbly suggest that Epylog be included into Fedora Core
-- not in the current test, of course, but some time in the future.

What it is:
Epylog is a syslog parser which runs periodically, looks at your logs,
processes some of the entries in order to present them in a more
comprehensible format, and then mails you the output. It is written
specifically for large network clusters where a lot of machines (around
50 and upwards) log to the same loghost using syslog or syslog-ng. It is
an alternative to a similar package called LogWatch.
See more:


1. Written in Python (2.2 and above)
2. Written specifically for Red Hat Linux 7.x and above.
3. GPL
4. Actively maintained
5. Sends log reports in both HTML and plaintext.
6. Can publish reports to a location instead of mailing them, with
optional notification via email about new reports available.
7. Memory footprint is kept small at all times, despite the size of logs
(which may be hundreds of megabytes in size)
8. Robust and easily extensible using pluggable parsing modules.
9. Parsing modules can be written in Python, or in fact any other
language, using the external module API.
10. Been used extensively to do log reporting for large cluster
installations at Duke and several other EDUs.
11. Graphical front-ends to it do not exist at the moment, but should be
simple to write. Theoretically, it could be a replacement/extension for


1. It's a relatively obscure application largely not known outside Duke
2. Though it's been in use for over a year at Duke, it's not well tested
in a large variety of situations.
3. Parsing modules do not exist for other platforms where syslog strings
may differ from the ones in Linux/Fedora.
4. Due to threading and speed optimizations, Python parsing module API
is not very easy to grok. :/

Please see the website for more information. I would be willing to be
the Fedora package maintainer for it.

Best regards,
Konstantin ("Icon") Riabitsev
Duke Physics Sysadmin, RHCE
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