Future: fhs 2.3 compliance for fc3

Derek P. Moore derekm at hackunix.org
Sun Apr 11 22:22:46 UTC 2004

I know this is a belated reply, I just wanted to throw in some change.

> I don't think talking about whether or not we like them is useful here.
> It is the fhs and fedora core should be compliant with it.

Your comment expresses more dogmatism than I'm comfortable with.

I was a strong advocate for FSSTND and FHS compliance in the early days 
[and am
still a supporter of those early standards, especially FSSTND]; but I must say
I've become less and less impressed by FHS with each new revision (especially
lately [e.g., moving around /var/spool/mail, /media, .../misc directories
scattered everywhere, etc.]).

If I remember correctly, the free software world is about freedom and
self-forming community cooperation.  If newer versions of FHS don't pass the
tests of natural selection in such a community, they'll cease to be standards,
and a new ideas will fill FHS' place.

I support the general idea of FHS, but feel they're sorta losin' sight. 
  And if
they dictate from on high a bunch of nonsense, not many people are going to

Peace out,


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