latest kudzu changes

Steve G linux_4ever at
Mon Aug 16 23:50:31 UTC 2004

>It could use a security-minded person or three looking over it, if
>anyone with the skills is interested. 

I'm interested. I usually have to code review every single package and fix it
anyways. I'm still carrying over 200 patches to rawhide. Alan picked up a few,
but they were mostly BuildRequires.

>dbus is a place to put a lot of things that the kernel guys would rather
>see done in userspace. 

My biggest concern is that its too intertwined with X/Qt/GTK. I can already see
that I'm going to have to do surgery to untangle them. I know this is the wrong
list to discuss design philosophy of hal & dbus, but the actual daemons should be
one package and the viewers/gui's/addon's another package. Not as a i386 rpm, but
as a source rpm. I have absolutely no time to code review gtk and all that it

>So even though it is userspace, we're going to have to make it a hard 
>requirement and stick it pretty early in the boot process, probably.

I really wished this went in after fc3. I got the feeling there's problems that
need more time to find before trusting in a hostile environment. I just started
reviewing udev and already have 2-3 patches with security implications.

-Steve Grubb

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