syslog-ng to replace syslogd

Steve G linux_4ever at
Fri Aug 20 23:15:47 UTC 2004

>I think syslog-ng should probably be brought into Fedora Core to
>replace syslogd.

How about bringing it in as an alternate? For example, there 5-6 different mail
programs, 3 smpt deamons, at least 2 http deamons, and a couple news deamons
already in the distribution. The people that want to try out the new daemon can
do so and if they don't get hacked, other people might try it too. I'd vote for
making it available, but not the default.

But let's also consider this. According to freshmeat, it was last updated in
March 2003. Is it being maintained? Or is it done?

I would advocate moving slowly for security related items. Logging is a
cornerstone of security.

-Steve Grubb

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