upgrade to rawhide report

Colin Walters walters at redhat.com
Mon Aug 23 16:09:01 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-08-23 at 09:08 -0400, Alan Cox wrote:

> PPP comes over many things - ethernet, atm, isdn, oh yes and modem now and
> then. PPPoE termination is common for some sorts of ADSL lines.

Wow, Evolution complete ate my reply to this.  Here's what I said:

Ok.  The point isn't PPP so much (which is just a technical detail) as
"what can we autodetect", and thus "what is the UI required".  Is there
any way to know for example that the ADSL router requires a machine to
talk PPP to it?  Does it have a DHCP server?  etc.

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