RPM tools

Jeff Pitman symbiont at berlios.de
Mon Dec 20 06:40:06 UTC 2004

On Monday 20 December 2004 13:57, seth vidal wrote:
> a lot of it has to do with the cvs system in place and internal
> processes.

Ok, that's fine. I would just like to reiterate a few things that I 
think I wouldn't be alone in voicing:

1. These processes are opened up by Redhat.
2. That a formal project be started to refine the build system. (Put it 
in the "Projects" menu on the fedora.redhat.com website)

This will enable all to see that, Yes, we need to mold existing 
methodologies to what Fedora needs and wow, we can use foo, bar, and 
baz from these other projects to help facilitate the betterment of this 
system. Otherwise, we'll be stuck with the "internal process" euphemism 
for along time while wondering how we can better contribute besides 
tweaking Buildrequires or perl one-liners in already-existing spec 

take care,

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