fsck (or initlog) result codes

Leonard den Ottolander leonard at den.ottolander.nl
Thu Feb 5 16:39:36 UTC 2004


I figured it out.

> Still wonder where that "needs rebooting" is set, since EXIT_DESTRUCT is
> not used in the code.

In e2fsck/e2fsck.h FSCK_REBOOT is defined (also in lib/evms/fsimext2.h),
also with value 2. Look like redundant defines, but maybe there is a
reason not to include e2fsck.h in fsimext2.h.

Now in e2fsck/unix.c the exit status always gets or-ed with FSCK_REBOOT
when the changed file system is the root file system. Why is this


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

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