test - passed, but other lists still have it

Jim Cornette cornette at insight.rr.com
Wed Feb 11 23:49:11 UTC 2004

Chuck Mead wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> katzj at redhat.com *did not write:*
> <snip pif virus>
> I use postfix for my MTA's and in conjunction with the config found here:
> http://moongroup.com/outbound.config
> I block the content which was contained in the original of this message
> with this regexp:
> /^\s*Content-(Disposition|Type).*name\s*=\s*"?(.+\.(ad[ep]|asd|ba[st]|c[ho]m|cmd|cpl|crt|dbx|dll|exe|hlp|hta|in[fs]|isp|lnk|js|jse|lnk|ocx|md[etw]|ms[cipt]|nws|ocx|ops|pcd|pi|pif|prf|reg|scf|scr|sct|sh[bms]|swf|uue|vb|vb[esx]|vxd|wab|ws[cfh]))"?\s*$/ 

Has this block been implemented for the other lists? I have received 
messages from fedora-test-list that were from addresses that were not 
someome at redhat.com addresses. - nbryant at optonline.net and also another 
email. Both were non-rhat addresses.

This mail came back with the attatchment removed and I didn't get a 
warning message from my ISP.

If the block works. It sounds like it would be great to implement for 
all lists.


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