FC1.90 orhphaned directory report

Jef Spaleta jspaleta at princeton.edu
Fri Feb 13 13:53:26 UTC 2004

Enrico Scholz:
> I updated the report about used-but-unowned directories to the 
> state of FC1.90. The results can be seen at

I'm tempted in using a Bug Day to encourage
community to submit spec file patches to bugzilla that fix as many
of these orphaned directories as possible. 

But.... talking to Enrico about this on irc, he seems to think
in most cases it would take more time for package maintainers to
review community patches than it would to fix the specfiles themselves
using this handy list.

So I'm looking for opinions, do I bother trying to actually organize
a bug day around this list of orphaned directories. This seems focused
enough of an issue to maybe even have an example to follow and some
easy-bake instructions...for the enthusiastically unexperienced rpm
packager out in the community, who is subconsciously looking for a good
reason to mess with specfile writing.  


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