RFC: fedora.us bugzilla keywords

Michael Schwendt ms-nospam-0306 at arcor.de
Fri Feb 13 14:51:42 UTC 2004


[Attachment statuses to signal "first review", "second review"]

Question: Does this raise the hurdle to QA again compared with adding just
another bugzilla keyword? As reviewers would be required to not just post
a clearsigned comment. They would need to become familiar with the "Create
a New Attachment" window.


I've managed to locate a few package requests with one positive review
and created a dummy attachment on each of them to flag it "first-review".
These can be located easily now:

At the bottom of https://bugzilla.fedora.us/query.cgi I've been lazy and
added a query on

  Attachment Status     is equal to     first-review

to find those packages. Long link:  ;)



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