Developing graphical applications

Alexandre surak at
Mon Feb 16 18:20:04 UTC 2004

Hello list,

I want to develop a surveillance application, which would run on a
fedora machine.

This application will capture images from a bt878 card (4-input type),
and show the four inputs on a single window.

This is quite simple to do on C with SDL, in fullscreen, using
video4linux functions to grab the images from bt878, and creating 4 sdl
surfaces, one for each window.

However, as the application gets more complex, develop a user interface
in fullscreen, in C, is too much complicated to develop and maintain.

So, I decided to use GTK for the interface, and python as the
development language, which would make me learn python also, this would
make much easier to develop windows, menus and dialogs with glade, and
just put the captured images on the right places.

My problem begins here: How I put a image window inside a gtk container,
in python. And this image needs to be updated fast, as the surveillance
cameras are sending data all the time. something like 6fps for each
window would be ok.

And all of this must run in Fedora, with the minimum external
dependencies possible (the reason I've posted it here, and not in a
python list).

I though of pygame (python + sdl), but it won't do, as a surface needs
to be in its own window. Don't know how I could do this under a GTK
window... Any advice?

Thanks for your reply.

Alexandre Strube

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