MySQL - Optional GPL License Exception for PHP

Joe Orton jorton at
Tue Feb 17 21:37:10 UTC 2004

On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 11:36:43AM -0500, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 03:25:41PM +0200, Yovko Lambrev wrote:
> > Will this be enough to include MySQL 4.x in Fedora Core?
> As was pointed out before - there are things like OpenSSL in with
> php in apache modules. I'm hopeful MySQL can work something out because
> I'd like to see all the bits in place

OpenSSL is slightly different: it could easily fall under the "things
provided with your system" exception.  We already redistribute lots of
GPL code linked against OpenSSL. (I know Debian do take a hard line on
OpenSSL, maybe we should too)

But regardless, a change to the web site does not influence
the licensing of the code in mysql-4.0.18.tar.gz in any way.  I've
pinged Zak Greant at MySQL who was dealing with this for a status


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