A new memtest program included in next Fedora ?

Konstantin Riabitsev icon at linux.duke.edu
Tue Jan 20 16:00:51 UTC 2004

Konstantin Riabitsev wrote:
> I have one that does just that for Linux at DUKE. I'll see if I can adapt 
> it to memtest86+ today.

OK, see:

It builds three packages:


The first two are obvious. The third one installs a floppy image and 
an iso image into /usr/lib/memtest86+ and provides a small utility 
for creating bootable floppies and CDs. Example:

memtest-make --floppy=/dev/fd0
memtest-make --cddev=1,0,0

I've only compiled and tested this on RH-9, but I doubt there will 
be any issues on FC1 and above, but I would be happy to accept 
problem reports. One thing I noticed is that it doesn't build if 
-mcpu=i686 is given, so this is limited to -march=i386.

Hope this is useful.

Konstantin ("Icon") Riabitsev
Duke Physics Systems Admin, RHCE

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