Possible FC2 inclusions from fedora.us

Steven Pritchard steve at silug.org
Mon Jan 26 17:07:06 UTC 2004

On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 07:38:18AM -0500, Alan Cox wrote:
> It can help avoid errors where readahead or I/O merging does a large
> read including an error but smaller reads around the bad block might
> succeed

dd_rescue handles that by using a large block size until it hits an
error, then retrying with a small block size.

I've had to use it a few times.  It works really well.

Steven Pritchard - K&S Pritchard Enterprises, Inc.
Email: steve at kspei.com             http://www.kspei.com/
Phone: (618)398-7360               Mobile: (618)567-7320

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