Updating RPMs using binary deltas (demo)

Leonard den Ottolander leonard at den.ottolander.nl
Tue Jan 27 16:06:17 UTC 2004

Michael, you're a genius!

> Here is a couple of demo short scripts for generating and applying deltas
> between two rpms.

This is so unbelievably simple that for a while I thought you were
pulling your own leg.

All one needs to do is bundle the two deltas with a text file (or xml if
you want to be fancy) describing the versioning and let the script
handle the naming.

All this needs to be used is an extra branch for deltas, next to the
updates branch. And I thought xdeltas would be too expensive. I guess
minigzip changes all that. It's unbelievable.


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

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