Why are there only i686 and i586 Version of glibc and kernel? -- not "lite" (386/486 @ 400MHz+, 256MB RAM)

Alan Cox alan at redhat.com
Sun Jun 6 16:00:05 UTC 2004

On Sat, Jun 05, 2004 at 10:54:19PM -0400, William M. Quarles wrote:
> OK, especially since a Red Hat developer has said this, then why has Red 
> Hat Linux and Fedora Core remained 386 architecture for so many years? 
> Why not make it 486 architecture with 686 (or better) scheduling?

It has been 386 architecture with i686 scheduling for some time. Actually
killing off i386 is one of those things that ought to have been done long
ago but needed time and clear consensus (rather like killing off tcl and
perl will 8))

(and no nobody plans to remove perl...)

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