Generating rpm spec from autoconf/automake packages for Fedora

André Kelpe fs111 at
Wed Jun 16 10:26:21 UTC 2004

Am Mi, den 16.06.2004 schrieb Didier Casse um 11:49:

> Thanks André. This is the type of thing that I've been looking for. This
> will simplify my life. :-)

Yes it is a nice tool. I use it for some programs I build from CVS (sim
amarok) and other stuff that isn't available as a RPM package. It work
very well on my box, but you always have to keep in mind that those
auto-generated packages are  in most cases not portable to other boxes.

It looks like checkinstall uses ldd to determine the dependencies of a
lib or executable, which is a good idea but fails wen you have the
nvidia-drivers installed, because checkinstall always creates packages
that depend on libs which are provided by the drivers. Checkinstall is
IMHO a one-host or one-system solution to keep your system clean, but it
isn't an automatic RPM-build solution for packages to give away to

> Cheers,
> Didier.


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