Logrotate RFE (2)

Keith Lofstrom keithl at kl-ic.com
Thu Mar 4 19:56:05 UTC 2004

On Tuesday 02 March 2004 22:55, Keith Lofstrom wrote:

> Logrotate is the program called by cron to rename and expire log
> files.  Ruedinger Oertel at SUSE (ro at suse.de) has some patches that
> enhance the basic Redhat logrotate with "dateext".  This allows a
> dated log file extension rather than a numbered one, for example
> /var/log/messages.20031029 .  The old logfiles do not get renamed,
> just discarded after they get too old.  This is a lot easier on
> rsync, and it also is easier to administer.

on Thu, 4 Mar 2004 10:42:17, Doncho N. Gunchev responds:

> I was seeking a such thing and would love to test it! However I see a
> small problem with it - webalizer or whatever log analyzer expects to
> find rotated logs as <log>.[1..x] will fail, but it's not that hard
> to make symlinks to workaround this. Is this done?

on Thu, 4 Mar 2004 Keith Lofstrom responds:

The bugzilla description:


... contains a fairly complete description, including a pointer to Ruediger's
patch to logrotate 3.6.10:   ftp.suse.com/pub/people/ro/logrotate 

So you can try it out yourself.   Again, this is an additional capability,
not a replacement - you can keep using logrotate the old way if you want,
or even do some log files with numbers and some with dates.   

Someday, the log analysis tools can be upgraded to use dated extensions
as an option.  Until then, just leave the appropriate log files configured
to use the old numbering scheme, and everything will keep working.  This
permits incremental improvements and upgrades, while permitting the use
of any SUSE-oriented analysis tools that might come along.

On average, I like the way Fedora does things better than I like the way
SUSE does things.  But in the cases where SUSE is better,  why not have
the best of both?


Keith Lofstrom           keithl at ieee.org         Voice (503)-520-1993
KLIC --- Keith Lofstrom Integrated Circuits --- "Your Ideas in Silicon"
Design Contracting in Bipolar and CMOS - Analog, Digital, and Scan ICs

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