Up2date and yum configuration

Alexander Dalloz alexander.dalloz at uni-bielefeld.de
Wed Mar 17 21:14:40 UTC 2004

Am Mi, den 17.03.2004 schrieb Keith Lofstrom um 07:37:

> Meanwhile, the article:
> http://fedoranews.org/contributors/alexander_dalloz/mirror/
> ... suggests changing the yum.conf and the source file to point at one of
> the mirror sites.

Hi Keith, I wrote the article and previously the mail on
fedora-list at redhat.com as a reaction on very, very much questions and
complaints about up2date / yum failures. There were at least 2 mails per
day asking if others see problems too. This especially occured when new
kernel and kernel-source packages came out, due to heavily overloaded
Redhat servers.  

> So, why not change the default configuration for the distro, so it points
> elsewhere?  If there is no single site that can handle the load, it would
> seem possible to create a target URL that can do some kind of automatic
> redirect to multiple different mirrors.  Later, with some coding effort,
> improve the up2date button so it brings up a menu of plausible sites,
> perhaps based on the time zone and other location information.

If you search this list's archive you will find discussion about
development of "artificial intelligent" mirror selection process /

> It seems odd to ship something in a test distro that should always be
> changed to something else.  Or do I need a visit from the clue stick?

On a test system you always have to lay your hands on several things -
that's why it's called "test" :) [But again, I did not wrote the initial
mail and the later article for FC1 users mainly.]

> Keith



Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG key 1024D/ED695653 1999-07-13
Fedora GNU/Linux Core 1 (Yarrow) on Athlon CPU kernel 2.4.22-1.2174.nptl
Sirendipity 22:07:32 up 8 days, 22:26, load average: 0.07, 0.13, 0.16 
                   [ Γνωθι σ'αυτον - gnothi seauton ]
             my life is a planetarium - and you are the stars
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