RPM specfiles for commercial packages?

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Fri Oct 1 18:01:20 UTC 2004

Commercial software is an evil some of us have to live with and as
long as I have no choice I figured I'd try and make it as painless as
possible.  So I've been packaging the various commercial software
around into Fedora-friendly RPMs so that I can move away from an NFS
or rsync-ed /usr/local.  So far I've done Matlab R14sp1, Mathematica
5, the PGI compiler suite and RealPlayer.  (OK, RealPlayer was already
an RPM but doing everything in a postinstall script is pretty nasty.)
I doubt there up to proper Fedora standards but at least they work.

Is anyone else doing this?  Is there a place where we can exchange

 - J<

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