FC3test2 candidate tree

Stephen J Smoogen smoogen at lanl.gov
Wed Sep 8 18:42:02 UTC 2004

Steve G wrote:
>>>AFAIK, the distribution isn't "bootstrapped" (rebuilt entirely using itself
>>>as the build host), 
> I kind of determined this empirically. It doesn't build from itself, therefore,
> Red Hat is not shipping binaries that is built from the actually shipping copy of
> all the srpms. This is bad news for any group that needs the ability to rebuild a
> distribution to prove they have the complete set of source and can re-create it
> if they ever needed to; or prove there are no 3rd party add-ons/hacks. (There are
> govt institutions that require this.)

I know that there are trends for several sections here having to do 
that... It is one of the previous selling points of RH distro was that 
the distro could be rebuilt from what was given.

Stephen John Smoogen	        | CCN-5 Security Team
LANL SIRT Team Leader           | SMTP:  smoogen at lanl.gov
Los Alamos National Laboratory  | Voice: 505.664.0645
Ta-03 SM-1498 MS: B255 DP 10S   | FAX:   505.665.7793
Los Alamos, NM 87545            |

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