Updated computers to current Rawhide and broke NFS & NSS/LDAP

Derek P. Moore derekm at hackunix.org
Wed Sep 29 17:05:33 UTC 2004

> You've checked that the configuration files (nsswitch.conf, ldap.conf)
> which specify your LDAP setup can be read by your users?


Thank you!  *grin*

I knew I was overlooking something...  I didn't imagine it was as simple
as permissions.  In any case, thanks for pointing out the obvious.

Functionality broke after a mass 'yum update'.  Everything was in good
working order before the update, and I wasn't going around twiddling
permissions...  But you were right, the only problem was permission were
wrong on /etc/ldap.conf.  The update did create
an /etc/ldap.conf.rpmnew, which proper permissions (644).  Maybe some
package (most likely nss_ldap) in the 'yum update' had a side effect of
changing the permissions of /etc/ldap.conf to 600.

Sorry for the (most likely) false alarm.  *smile*

Peace out,


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