FC4 perl module upgrades

Warren Togami wtogami at redhat.com
Fri Apr 1 00:00:02 UTC 2005

Chris Adams wrote:
> glad to help.  Here is a quick list of apparent older versions in
> rawhide compared to CPAN:
> Archive-Tar      rawhide 1.08     CPAN:1.23

A bit complicated because we need to add perl-IO-Zlib to Core.
Someone want to update this old fedora.us version for FC4 inclusion?
Clean up Archive-Tar.spec while you're at it too.  Submit it to one of 
those bugs above.

> BSD-Resource     rawhide 1.23     CPAN:1.24
Updated, but still ugly old spec.

> Bit-Vector       rawhide 6.3      CPAN:6.4
Broken on x86-64, maybe other archs too.

> Compress-Zlib    rawhide 1.33     CPAN:1.34
jorton already fixed this during the last day.

> DBD-Pg           rawhide 1.31     CPAN:1.40
Updated, but still ugly old spec.

> DBI              rawhide 1.40     CPAN:1.48
Updated, but still ugly old spec.

> Date-Calc        rawhide 5.3      CPAN:5.4
Spec needs fixing...

> Digest-SHA1      rawhide 2.07     CPAN:2.10
Spec needs fixing...

> File-MMagic      rawhide 1.21     CPAN:1.22
> Frontier-RPC     rawhide 0.06     CPAN:0.07b4
> HTML-Parser      rawhide 3.35     CPAN:3.45
> Net-DNS          rawhide 0.48     CPAN:0.49
> PDL              rawhide 2.4.1    CPAN:2.4.2
> TermReadKey      rawhide 2.20     CPAN:2.30
> Text-Kakasi      rawhide 1.05     CPAN:2.04
> Time-HiRes       rawhide 1.55     CPAN:1.66
> URI              rawhide 1.30     CPAN:1.35
> XML-Twig         rawhide 3.13     CPAN:3.17
> libwww-perl      rawhide 5.79     CPAN:5.803
> libxml-perl      rawhide 0.07     CPAN:0.08

Will look into the rest later, need to work on other stuff now.

Warren Togami
wtogami at redhat.com

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