Being notified about CD/DVD media

Davide Bolcioni db-fedora at
Thu Apr 7 17:06:32 UTC 2005

John (J5) Palmieri wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-04-07 at 18:42 +0200, Davide Bolcioni wrote:
>>My guess is that I should look at either HAL or D-BUS, but I would like 
>>to hear about the pros and cons of each solution: as far as I know, HAL 
>>feeds D-BUS but the latter is mainly intended for desktop applications, 
>>so in my use case might not even be there.
> D-BUS is for use from (right above) the kernel up to the Desktop.  You
> can use it for system services also.  It is why we have a system bus in
> the first place.

Well, the D-BUS pages at seem a bit thin on 
documentation. I could start listening on the system bus FIFO, but how 
am I supposed to know what to listen for ?

I tried (as root) on a Fedora Core 3

   dbus-monitor --system

but inserting a blank CD resulted in no activity (is this what is 
supposed to happen ?), while non-blank media results in significant 
activity. I guess I could look at said activity and operate accordingly, 
but I was wondering if there was some kind of specification I could code 
against that would not change under my feet in the next release.

Thank you for your consideration
Davide Bolcioni
There is no place like /home.

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