bittorrent in core? what frontend?

Paul Howarth paul at
Mon Dec 19 17:22:24 UTC 2005

Roozbeh Pournader wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-12-19 at 16:52 +0000, Paul Howarth wrote:
>>[...] but on the other hand the alert 
>>will let them know that a new version is available, and that might 
>>prompt them to run "yum update" if they don't have automatic updates 
>>turned on.
> But on the yet other hand the update may not be available in the yum
> repository yet (and may not even be there six months later if it's not
> an important update), which will simply frustrate them.

Well, as the maintainer of the bittorrent package, at least whilst it's 
in Extras, I can assure you that updates won't take anything like 6 
months to turn up ;-)


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