FC5 and Yum Plugins

Willem Riede wrrhdev at riede.org
Thu Dec 29 16:19:52 UTC 2005

On 12/29/2005 09:21:28 AM, Brian Long wrote:
> I've manually installed the "protectbase" and "fastestmirror" plugins
> from the yum-utils tarball (they are not included in the yum-utils RPM
> or subpackages yet).
> I would think installing protectbase by default on FC5 and protecting
> all Fedora official repos would be excellent.  I added protect=1 to
> fedora.repo, fedora-updates.repo and fedora-extras.repo after making
> sure the plugin was enabled and yum.conf had "plugins=1".  This allows
> me to run the following command without AtRPMS changing any RPMs that
> are included in [base], [updates] or [extras]:
> yum --enablerepo=atrpms --enablerepo=freshrpms update
> Normally, I have atrpms and freshrpms disabled; base, updates and extras
> are enabled.  Without protectbase installed, atrpms wants to provide
> updates to xorg-X11 and various other packages which I don't want.
> However, it provides a bunch of MythTV updates I do want (about 30 RPMs
> or so).  Since I don't want to iterate manually through all the MythTV
> updates, I find protectbase a good compromise.
> I would think it would be in the best interest of the Fedora team to
> install protectbase by default, enable it and protect Fedora repos.  If
> power users want to disable it, it's very easy.
> Am I off-base in this request?  :)

I don't think so - I would like to see this too. By the way, I made a variant  
on "fastestmirror" that I called "bestmirror" that also checks which mirrors  
have the most recent updates (as indicated by the age of their metadata).
That way you're certain to get the most recent version of a package (though  
there was some concern expressed about the load created on the mirrors by all  
that polling...)

Regards, Willem Riede.

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