beecrypt-java (Was: rawhide report: 20050207 changes)

Jeff Johnson n3npq at
Wed Feb 9 02:14:17 UTC 2005

Dag Wieers wrote:

>On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
>>Le lundi 07 février 2005 à 23:59 +0100, Axel Thimm a écrit :
>>>On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 10:34:10PM +0100, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
>>>>Do you imagine the mess if ~ 1000 java-something hit rawhide ? Because
>>>>we have this number of java packages in jpackage.
>>>Regardless of naming issues, are indeed 1000 packages waiting to be
>>>imported into rawhide? I.e. will all of jpackage be imported?
>>I don't think so (who knows;)
>>But if the java-xx virus caughts on we'd have to preemptively rename a
>>lot of stuff just in case it gets imported someday (to avoid packagename
>>conflicts later)
>>Not fun at all;(
>Well, that's why a policy should have been made at the very start. Naming 
>is very important and the lack of a naming policy is causing all sorts of 
>confusions and problems (like the lack of a 'virtual package' namespace).
>And the longer we wait, the more messy it becomes the day one is 
>required. Unless it is worked around by adding complexity/layers.

FUD, plain and simple. The internet is not running out of numbers, and
lack of conventionally named packages is something that can be lived with.

rpm is already independent of package file names because SuSE had
to deal with 8.3 pakcage names.

And package names themselves have been duplicated into dependencies
for several years. All package names could be changed to whatever if
the per-package dependency name was created differently, and nothing
whatsoever would break.

User and repo maintainer confusion is a whole different matter.

73 de Jeff

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