HAL policies for port. music players

Michael A. Peters mpeters at mac.com
Sun Jan 9 14:13:10 UTC 2005

I do not like the default behaviour of hal with respect to my iPod.
Regardless of who is logged in at the console, if the iPod is docked -  
it wanted mounted rw for the user, with a nice pretty tempting icon on  
the desktop. Since it can take considerable time to reload one of these  
devices (about 20 to 30 minutes for my mini - which is as small as they  
come) - it's an accident waiting to happen like that.

I much prefer the autofs way - where it is not mounted on the desktop,  
only mounts for users in the group specified in the auto.master file,  
only mounts when it is needed, and unmounts when it is no longer  

After some searching and a tip from someone on the hal list, I was able  
to stop hal from mounting my iPod without having to turn of auto  
mounting of all ieee1394 devices (created an iPod specific policy in  

Now that I have it working the way I want it with autofs - I want to  
know if hal is currently capable of the autofs behaviour - mounting  
only for users in specified group, only when needed, and auto  
unmounting when no longer in use. If it is capable of this, then I  
suggest for FC4 that such policies for large capacity portable music/ 
video players either be the default, or easily configured as the  
default through a sysconfig gui.

I'm tempted to add that as a RFE bug to hal, but don't want to if hal  
isn't capable of it, and wanted to hear other thoughts first.

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