grip being removed [Re: rawhide report: 20050120 changes]

Harald Hoyer harald at
Thu Jan 27 13:48:00 UTC 2005

Ivan Gyurdiev wrote:
> Does xmms let you search? Does it organize by genre? 
> By album? Does it support drag and drop playlist editing?
> Radio stations? Does it minimize in the notification area?
>> Rhythmbox just stays unresponsive for 30 mins 
>>using all CPU, not displaying any progress or letting you do anything.  
> I have about half your collection, and by extrapolating I can tell that
> this this is a huge exaggeration on any modern machine. Furthermore
> you're not supposed to be adding your entire collection every time.
> You do that once, so speed is a non-issue.
> My main complaint is that for me is starts leaking memory when I try
> to add that many songs at once, eventually using up all system
> resources, and getting killed by the OOM killer. Happens 2/3 times.
> That is a bug, not normal behavior. I'll file a bugzilla some day
> when I get sufficiently annoyed. 

I did not even manage to import my 6000 files... rhythmbox just hang there 
after a while doing nothing... also there is no UTF-8/ISO-8859-1 
recognition... Useless in this state..

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