grip being removed [Re: rawhide report: 20050120 changes]

Ivan Gyurdiev ivg2 at
Fri Jan 28 17:12:46 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 11:00 -0600, Rex Dieter wrote:
> Ivan Gyurdiev wrote:
> > Really to resolve this the following is needed:
> > 
> > - updated livna nvidia package to include more patches
> agreed.  I'd suggested poking at

All right, maybe I will. I like focusing on one bug at a time. 
Currently I'm messing with SElinux stuff.

> > - sync-ed against Rawhide.
> It's not too hard for rawhide'rs to 'rpmbuild --rebuild'. is it?

Well had the livna package been patched I suppose I could do that.
That creates incentive to help get it patched :)

> > - updated xorg-x11 packaging to separate the Mesa GL stuff
> > - some sort of alternatives system or post-install scripts to 
> >   find correct provider of
> Why are these necessary?  Just because you don't like the fact they're 
> merely installed, but not used?

No - because they prevent building things against libGL. is a typo - should have been - see other mail for

Ivan Gyurdiev <ivg2 at>
Cornell University

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