A quick look at the yum mirrorlists

Avi Kivity avi at argo.co.il
Fri Jul 15 16:47:04 UTC 2005

David Woodhouse wrote:

>On Fri, 2005-07-15 at 19:17 +0300, Avi Kivity wrote:
>>I've tried that on my adsl connection and got it to partially work - I
>>don't have the 2002: address.
>Hm. What is your public IPv4 address? When you bring the ADSL interface
>up, does the tun6to4 interface not also get created? Can you show your
>ifcfg-* file for the ADSL interface?
sometimes a threat is sufficient. it started working on my latest 
network restart, even though I changed nothing.

ifconfig still doesn't show show the 2002: address on the tun6to4 
interface, but ip addr show does (it didn't before)

>>is there a forum somewhere which could help me debug this?
>#fedora on Freenode perhaps?
for the next problem... thanks.

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