Firefox binary plugins on x86_64

dragoran dragoran at
Wed Jul 27 05:58:50 UTC 2005

Warren Togami wrote:

> Christopher Aillon wrote:
>> Bill Nottingham wrote:
>>> Christopher Aillon (caillon at said:
>>>> SuSE ships both the 32 and 64 bit versions of the browser on x86-64 
>>>> precisely for this problem, which I'm pretty sure we do as well.
>>> No, we don't.
>> Why not?  We used to at some point in the not-too-distant past or my 
>> memory is failing me at my old age.  :-(
> With FC4+, aside from the conflicting /usr/bin/firefox script, it is 
> now impossible to even uninstall the 64bit firefox and install the 
> 32bit firefox due to the multilib bonoboectomy.  Doing this has been 
> problematic in the past when it was possible during FC3, because 
> whenever there is another firefox security update, it would blow away 
> the 32bit version and install the new 64bit version.
> Warren Togami
> wtogami at
I am running 32-bit firefox on fc4 x86_64 without any problems.
When there is a security update I just grab it from the i386 tree.

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