bad practice: not reading the manpage

Florin Andrei florin at
Tue Jun 14 17:14:25 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 09:19 +0100, Tim Waugh wrote:

> Precisely.  What the original poster is asking for seems to be
> equivalent to asking for state to be preserved in this case:
> chkconfig foo off
> rpm -e foo
> rpm -i foo-1-1.rpm

Actually, I was only thinking about this case:

chkconfig --del foo
rpm -U foo*.rpm		# or "yum update foo"

Whatever the state, it is obviously lost across such a sweeping change
like "rpm -e foo; rpm -i foo*.rpm". One cannot reasonably ask for the
state to be preserved in that case.
An upgrade, though, is different.

I like Michael's idea. "rpm -i" should run chkconfig and do whatever is
appropriate to enable/disable the service on certain runlevels, that's
fine and natural. But "rpm -U" should do nothing in that regard.
After all (I apologize for repeating it over and over again, but I think
it's a crucial point), whatever the situation before the upgrade, it was
very likely the result of a decision made and an action carried by the
human operator. The software should not treat it lightly.

I will also have to verify if it's true that certain cronjobs re-enable
services that were deleted with chkconfig. That's potentially another
source of issues.

Florin Andrei

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