FC4 kernel performance

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 13:40:36 UTC 2005

On 6/22/05, Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net> wrote:
> Same here - skimming on raid on a linux setup nowadays is plain stupid
> IMHO, even if you have absolutely no data you wish to preserve just
> avoiding to reinstall and reconfigure everything when a drive dies is well
> worth it.

This isn't completely true. As it stands linux raid currently lowers
the reliability of the system. This is because a single bad sector
will take a drive offline. In the process of trying to resync the
offlined drive, the other drive(s) will encounter a bad sector and
come offline. You end up with the entire array down.

Today single sector errors (which are corrected on write via
relocation) are more common than whole drive failures.

Until we support a more graceful handling of this situation (i.e.
resyntheizing the missing block and rewriting it, only failing the
disk if the rewrite fails) I can not suggest linux raid to anyone who
can't afford hours of downtime while fussing with the array from time
to time. Usually this doesn't involve data loss, but only if you know
what you're doing...

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