FC4 kernel performance

Marcus Hartig m.f.h at web.de
Wed Jun 22 17:31:59 UTC 2005

Matthew Miller wrote:

> These people *do* need the security features. You want Linux to end up like
> Windows, with a virus/spyware infection the *norm*?

The most viruses or worms I found, are exploiting security holes in the 
special wintendo virus pack by M$: IE, OE and the XPeriment...often 
nobody knows that a worm runs for weeks on his/her system.
And... I argue that more as 96 % of the win users @ home are using their 
system as installed my M$ as a sys admin...no wonder.

For a private Linux user who uses only a GIMP, firefox, evince, Ooo, 
thunderbird and some games and with no important data on the disk, there 
is no need for special security things, RAID and Co. in times of cheap 
DVD burners to secure data.
A good cheap (DSL) router in front, a up2date system with only needed 
services running, using secure passwords, secure software, working as 
Luser, is the best medicine.


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