reducing distribution CD count

Jamie Zawinski jwz at
Wed Mar 2 10:41:33 UTC 2005

Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> What would be helpful is some script that went through all the screesavers
> sequentially so it'd be easier to test what screensaver is failing.

while true; do xscreensaver-command -next; sleep 10; done

> Pretty often when that happens to me the screen goes to sleep after a
> while and good luck finding what screensaver locked-up the box (yes I know
> I could do it manually - I just have other things to do than go through
> the full FC screensaver list with mouse and keyboard)

xscreensaver-command -exit
xscreensaver -verbose >> LOG 2>&1

Then after you've unwedged the box, check the log.

Jamie Zawinski      jwz at        
                    jwz at

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