FC4 perl module upgrades/cleanups

Warren Togami warren at togami.com
Thu Mar 31 10:49:28 UTC 2005

Right now I'm looking at cleaning up and upgrading all perl modules in 
FC4.  The specs of many of the perl modules have ancient crap that 
should be cleaned up and modernized.  Among the stuff I want to do:

* Remove brp-compress calls from all packages, as it isn't doing 
anything useful.  (Right?)

* Update URL and Source0 to actual modern CPAN addresses.

* Clear out most of the trival to minor perl-* FC bugs, which are mainly 
"upgrade this" and "fix the spec".

* Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo 
Do we want this in all perl packages, both regular arch and noarch?

* %define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
Many of the ancient specs have this.  Might be nice to get rid of it, 
but it will require some careful verification comparing the before and 
after in order to be sure the rpm-auto-dep isn't demanding bad 
dependencies like Win32 crap.  Is this worth doing?  Need your opinions.

* Identify all modules that have a newer version available in CPAN. 
Would be nice if we had a script to compare a devel CVS checkout to CPAN 
and output a list with URLs or something.

Contributors like Ville, Robert and Jose have been very helpful in 
submitting good spec rewrites for perl packages in the past.  So I hope 
the community can help with cleaned up spec unidiffs (along with version 
upgrades) to be submitted to Bugzilla, one report per package.  Perhaps 
discuss here who will do which package.  I'll do some myself.


Warren Togami
wtogami at redhat.com

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