FC4 perl module upgrades/cleanups

Chris Adams cmadams at hiwaay.net
Thu Mar 31 14:59:31 UTC 2005

Once upon a time, Warren Togami <warren at togami.com> said:
> * Remove brp-compress calls from all packages, as it isn't doing 
> anything useful.  (Right?)

For packages that build the filelist in %install, it is needed
(otherwise the filenames change).

Alternately, packages that build the filelist could use something like:

perl -lpi -e '$_.="*"if(m!^(/usr/share/man|/usr/lib/perl5/man)!)' filelist

> * %define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
> Many of the ancient specs have this.  Might be nice to get rid of it, 
> but it will require some careful verification comparing the before and 
> after in order to be sure the rpm-auto-dep isn't demanding bad 
> dependencies like Win32 crap.  Is this worth doing?  Need your opinions.

I only use it when I need to strip out a dependency.  When I need it, I
put the following in my %install:

# Strip out some dependencies
cat > find-requires.sh <<'EOF'
exec %{__find_requires} "$@" | egrep -v '^perl\((Crypt::IDEA|Term::ReadKey)\)$'
chmod +x find-requires.sh
%define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
%define __find_requires %{_builddir}/%{buildsubdir}/find-requires.sh

I prefer doing it this way instead of with an extra Source*: script;
this way, the script is generated on the fly (especially useful when
using the same SRPM on multiple platforms, where find-requires may not
be in /usr/lib/rpm).  It also makes the stripped out dependencies part
of the spec file directly.

> Contributors like Ville, Robert and Jose have been very helpful in 
> submitting good spec rewrites for perl packages in the past.  So I hope 
> the community can help with cleaned up spec unidiffs (along with version 
> upgrades) to be submitted to Bugzilla, one report per package.  Perhaps 
> discuss here who will do which package.  I'll do some myself.

If I can get some time (and my spec files are acceptable), I would be
glad to help.  Here is a quick list of apparent older versions in
rawhide compared to CPAN:

Archive-Tar      rawhide 1.08     CPAN:1.23
BSD-Resource     rawhide 1.23     CPAN:1.24
Bit-Vector       rawhide 6.3      CPAN:6.4
Compress-Zlib    rawhide 1.33     CPAN:1.34
DBD-Pg           rawhide 1.31     CPAN:1.40
DBI              rawhide 1.40     CPAN:1.48
Date-Calc        rawhide 5.3      CPAN:5.4
Digest-SHA1      rawhide 2.07     CPAN:2.10
File-MMagic      rawhide 1.21     CPAN:1.22
Frontier-RPC     rawhide 0.06     CPAN:0.07b4
HTML-Parser      rawhide 3.35     CPAN:3.45
Net-DNS          rawhide 0.48     CPAN:0.49
PDL              rawhide 2.4.1    CPAN:2.4.2
TermReadKey      rawhide 2.20     CPAN:2.30
Text-Kakasi      rawhide 1.05     CPAN:2.04
Time-HiRes       rawhide 1.55     CPAN:1.66
URI              rawhide 1.30     CPAN:1.35
XML-Twig         rawhide 3.13     CPAN:3.17
libwww-perl      rawhide 5.79     CPAN:5.803
libxml-perl      rawhide 0.07     CPAN:0.08

Chris Adams <cmadams at hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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