.pyo files and cups

Russell Coker russell at coker.com.au
Mon May 16 12:16:14 UTC 2005

After doing a default install of FC4T3 I relabeled the file system.  Ideally 
such an operation should be a no-op as the install should have used the same 
labels that the relabel operation does.  Below is part of the output of 
setfiles when performing the relabel.  It seems that the pyo files were 
created by a post-install script in the rpm package or by a system boot 

Could someone please advise on what programs are likely to need the access to 
create such files?

setfiles:  relabeling /usr/share/printconf/util/cups_import.pyo from 
system_u:object_r:usr_t to system_u:object_r:printconf_t
setfiles:  relabeling /usr/share/printconf/util/backend.pyo from 
system_u:object_r:usr_t to system_u:object_r:printconf_t
setfiles:  relabeling /usr/share/printconf/util/scan_usb_devices.pyo from 
system_u:object_r:usr_t to system_u:object_r:printconf_t
setfiles:  relabeling /usr/share/printconf/util/printconf_conf.pyo from 
system_u:object_r:usr_t to system_u:object_r:printconf_t

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