enhance security via private TMP/TMPDIR by default

Alexandre Oliva aoliva at redhat.com
Thu May 19 14:03:46 UTC 2005

On May 18, 2005, Colin Walters <walters at redhat.com> wrote:

> Sure.  But you weren't expecting to share an agent between separate ssh
> logins, were you?

That would be quite useful.  I often leave GNU screen sessions behind,
whose SSH agent sockets are removed when I disconnect, and then, when
I reconnect, all I have to do to be able to ssh into other boxes again
is to set SSH_AUTH_SOCK to the newly-created agent.  With separate
namespaces, there's just no way to get to that agent from the running
screen session.

Alexandre Oliva             http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   aoliva@{redhat.com, gcc.gnu.org}
Free Software Evangelist  oliva@{lsd.ic.unicamp.br, gnu.org}

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