What happened to pup?

James Sylvester commonlaw at vtlink.net
Mon May 23 18:22:22 UTC 2005

     Yesterday, at about this time, I flawlessly installed 5 CDs
containining a week old distro of Fedora Core 3.9, aka Fedora Core 4
test 3.  Having installed Red Hat from 7.1 to 9 and Fedora 1, 2, 3, I
thought the install was flawless until I tried to use Redhat Package
Manager, up2date and then yum to update the many changes that occur
in development in a week and a half's time.
      RPM up2date hung on the second panel, yum could get to extras but
not to  the development rpm repo at redhat or its mirrors.  I being
a user of some experience and a supporter of Fedora could see a
potential enterprise user or newbie becoming real distressed.  If
Fedora Core 4 is released without better update resource managers,
then we will not obtain the kudos that I believe F4 deserves.
      After 2 hours of frustration I began downloading single pkg updates,
each time muttering, where's pup?
      Today, in a more refreshed mood, I looked at my dog Spot, who
gleefully chases snakes, but had been unable to help, yesterday. 
The problem?  A missing python library effecting both up2date and
yum.  Spot's to old to obtain a pup, but I am not.
      The need for a reliable "pup" may not become a part of Fedora 4 (due
to devlp. time), but the need is sufficient enough to not have it
relegated to extras.
      Many good ideas on the forum.  Need core developer leadership on
this one.
      Cheers to what I believe may be the best Fedora distro, yet.  James

      "There is one sense--and a very important one--in which it is
determined quite independently of scientific laws, namely the sense
that it will be what it will be"  Bertrand Russell, Presidential
address to the Aristotelian Society. (regarding causation)

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