Physical location of Posix message queues

Pedro Lamarão pedro.lamarao at
Thu May 26 15:08:14 UTC 2005

William Beebe wrote:
> I'm porting an application from Solaris to Fedora Core. Everything is
> fine except for one issue regarding the use of Posix message queues.
> In order to solve this problem I'd like to know where the message
> queues are physically located. Where on Fedora Core (or Linux for that
> matter) are the message queues located? I've tried just looking on the
> file system and I've tried looking in the code for a Clue (both the
> kernel and glibc). If someone could just tell me, or if there are
> pointers to other documentation explaining some of the finer details
> of Posix message queue implementation on Linux I'd appreciate it.

Check /var/spool/postfix .

 Pedro Lamarão

 "Merda faz as flores crescerem
  e isso é bonito."

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