How to simplify the process of adding multilingual %descriptions to rpm spec?

Yuan Yijun bbbush.yuan at
Tue Nov 8 01:22:35 UTC 2005


I believe that non-English speakers will be more happy to see
localized package %descriptions, when they are using a GUI package
management program. Most of users play Linux for fun, and they are
willing to search software in the huge packages list, looking for
interesting packages to install. But this fun only belongs to English
speakers. To Chinese, there is no way for an software package to
introduce itself.

Then how can these %descriptions be localized? If someone translate
them and commit patches to rpm spec files, that seems a bit funny and
boring. (Sorry for my bad vocabulary, though the single filed rpm spec
does have its cons and pros.) How to simplify this and reduce the
amount of work?

(There are too many excellent programs in both Core and Extras, while
I'm trying to introduce them to other Chinese users, I believe this
problem is essential.)

bbbush ^_^

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