status of up2date and rhn-applet

Bill Nottingham notting at
Mon Nov 28 18:16:26 UTC 2005

Jeremy Katz (katzj at said: 
> > 3. Repository Handling from UI (i liked the up2date behaviour to
> > selectively enable and disable repos)
> I'm not against this (the glade file actually has the button to bring up
> such a dialog, it's just not currently enabled), but I'm mostly curious
> what the use case is for it.  Why would you not want to get the
> available updates for all configured repositories?  I can see wanting to
> configure what repositories you use for getting software when installing
> new stuff, but what's the use case for doing it while updating?

Where I see something like this being useful is when repositories
aren't in sync yet - for example, you just installed FC5, and
your favorite repo of add-on software isn't built for FC5 yet.

Ergo, you want to temporarily disable that repo.


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